Sun MIBS Collection

The Sun MIBS collection is a collection of MIBS for use in management of Sun Microsystems computers. The collection includes MIBS created by Sun, and a set of MIBS created by myself for use with Sun Management Center.

The Sun Management Center MIBS were created due to the lack of Sun releasing their own MIBS to handle the plethora of information that Sun Magagement Center provides on Sun hardware. The current state of most of the MIBS that I created are by no means complete MIBS. Most all the MIBS are simply OBJECT IDENTIFIERS which are useful in mapping numberic OIDs to something meaningful. At some point more information may be added.

Current version: 0.91 sun-mibs-0.91.tar.gz

Files included in v0.91

Sun created files:

My created files:

I also have a script that will set the forwarding of traps to another SNMP server. You can get this script here:

Note: the changes made to SUN-sunMib.mib and SUN-netractrsc.mib are changes do to inconsitancies with Sun's mib naming. In these two mibs the oid . originally mapped to enterprises.sun.products while everything with Sun Management Center mapped to Because Sun Management Center uses prod, I changed these two mibs so that 'products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sun 2 }' is now 'prod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sun 2 }'. This inconsitancy really messed up the parsing of all the mibs when the -mall option is used in net-snmp.

Create by: Brian T. O'Neill
Last updated: 8-4-2003